Tuesday, 5 February 2008

Welcome to our blog!!

Tuesday 5th Febuary

Finally I have got my act together and figured out how to do a blog, well I will give it a good go anyway. I thought this would be a good thing to do as John has so many friends and family in the UK it would be good for them to see what he is up to Down Under.

Firstly to fill you in on where we are at with Emma, Paddy and Georgie. Emma is 6 in March, a big girl now and she has just started year 2 at school. Paddy and Georgie were 4 in January and late last year they started kindergarten, they just love it, every day they actually say they don't want to go but once we are there they don't even look up when we say good bye. It must be nice to know that your best mate is there with you every step of the way.
Another reason I started this blog is because this year Paddy has to have surgery on her leg, John and I have to decide whether to amputate her foot and she wears a prosthetic, or to lenghten her leg, I thought this would be a good way to record our journey (which I think will be a difficult one), and how we get on. Late last year we saw Paddy's doctor at Starship hospital and he said decisions have to be made, it took John and I completley by surprise as we thought we had a bit more time up our sleeve. There has been a few tears mainly from me, but we have met some fantastic people over the holidays whose kids have the same condition, and have had their foot amputated, they have been a huge inspiration, and they have amazed me how well they do. John and I both feel the LL (leg lengthening) is too painful and they cannot tell us for sure that it will be a success. I have also met some amazing people on the internet who are going through the same thing and it is great to chat with other people about it.

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