Wednesday 18 February 2009

Our girls.......


Emma, Paddy and Georgie all went to a birthday party on Sunday, as always they had a fantastic time and this is how they came home, they were all very pleased with themselves! (PS The black stuff doesn't come off clothes, which Georgie in particular managed to get all over herself!)
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Radar's Mom said...

Hiya Lizzie,

I met Jenna through this wonderful world of blogging, and now I've met you and your girls! It's such a fun way to get to know people from all the corners of the world. My mom traveled to NZ back in 2000 to attend a family reunion (very distant family originating from Ireland) and I've been so itching to go ever since. Some day!

You're girls have to be just so much fun for you, causing new, unknown adventures every day. I love the face paint and if I can remember way, way back to when I was a girl, I didn't much care if my clothes were stained, so long as I was having fun! It's their way of keeping you young at heart!

Big hugs from Florida today,

Radar's Mom said...

Ooopss.. I meant to write "your girls" to start that second paragraph. But maybe "You are girls" was a Freudian slip! Hugs