Wednesday 14 January 2009

Our trip to Tairua....

For the first time as a family we went away for a holiday in New Zealand to a place called Tairua which is on the East Coast, in a place called the Coramandel. We had such a wonderful time, the weather was great, the beaches superb, and what made it even better was that our friends Beck and Andrew were down there as well. In fact it was Beck who got us down there in the first place, so we have her to thank for a great holiday. They only stayed a couple of houses down the road from us, so their kiddies and ours just went between the two all day. It reminded me of what it was like growing up when I was younger, you know how you were always at your friends house? It was fabulous. Becks and I went walking most mornings and always enjoyed a nice coffee on route! My brother Jonny and his girlfriend Lisa also came down, we all had great fun!!!!!
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