Tuesday, 14 October 2008

The Walking School Bus!

Emma has joined the Walking School Bus and she was very excited about it. There is different points where everyone meets up and then it is off to school. Today John was one of the conductors! He wasn't to sure about the yellow jacket he had to wear! What a good sport John! I think the walking bus is such a good idea, it gets the kids walking, the parents get to chat to other parents and it is good for the environment! After watching a few shows on really fat people I think this is a good way to get children into exercise and the really enjoy it.
One of the shows we watched there was this man who hadn't got out of bed for four years and he weighed over 1000 pounds, that is so huge it is unbelievable. Can you imagine eating that much food to get that big. The amazing thing was someone took him all this food as he hadn't left his bed in those four years, and he only ate junk food. He was eating 30,000 calories a day, that is what a normal man eats in two weeks! I think I am still in shock!
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Jenna said...

What a great idea! I have to say that wow, doesnt the twins look just like your husband!!!
I have seen that show, it is sick! If you love someone why would you bring them junk food and lots of it! I cant imagine ever getting like that, its so sad really.

Lizzie said...

Although yellow is my favourite colour, it doesn't do much for me! Cheers John

bobnjo said...

love the jacket John, yellow suits you