Tuesday 17 June 2008

Casting of Paddy's Leg.

Yesterday we went to the Artificial Limb Centre for what we thought was a check up with Paddy's surgeon. When we got there he thought her leg was looking really good, and they decided to do a cast of her leg, which means they are on the way to making her 'magic leg'. Fantastic, so hopefully things going well we will have it in two weeks and Paddy can get on with walking. I am very excited about this, and I know she won't be racing around on it like a maniac from the word go, but it is a start. I cannot tell you the stress that has lifted from our shoulders now that we have done the operation. Paddy is just getting better and better, she is happy, can get around really well, she doesn't use her wheel chair much at home she prefers to crawl, or walk on her knees. She can get on and off things, it is amazing how quickly they bounce back. I have to say she is still not the best at night, wakes up upset, again I just hope that it is a time thing and it will improve.
Last week we went back to Kindy for an hour, just to see how Paddy went, you should have seen the other kids, it was like a scrum, they all wanted to push the wheel chair, and I kept thinking the chair was going to be tipped over, but it was fine. Paddy and Georgie were just happy to be back for awhile!

1 comment:

Kristina said...

Hi there - I found your blog through a message you sent on the FH yahoo group. I am 26 weeks pg with my first baby - a boy - and he has fibular hemimelia in his right leg. I really enjoy your blog and your story. I am trying to set up a blog myself. The link is http://ottenwess.blogspot.com.
I would love to keep in touch. My email address is kottenwess@gmail.com.