Monday, 21 July 2008

Back to school!

Today is the first day back of term three for school and kindy, and I can't believe that the holidays are over all ready. It has been so nice not to rush in the mornings , no school lunches to make, and staying in our P.J's till late, what bliss! Most of all it has been really nice to see the girls getting on so well and playing together.
So Paddy went to kindy for the first time with her 'magic leg', everyone was so excited, they all wanted to see, and Paddy was practically walking without a limp. In fact now that Paddy has her leg and standing straight I am having trouble telling them apart when they are not together if that makes sense. John was asking Georgie to do something the other day and was getting frustrated because he got no response, then he twigged it was actually Paddy! I wonder if they will fool the teachers at kindy!
It is just so good to see Paddy back to her happy self, with her wonderful sense of humour! I am so happy that the surgery is behind us and that she has her leggie and so far seems not too fazed by things! Kids eh, they are truly inspirational!


Jenna said...

Enjoy the time alone. What is twigged? I hope the girls enjoy their first day back.I hope to see a video of paddy walking someday!:)

Lizzie said...

Hi Jenna
Twigged is a colloquialism (I had to look in the dictionary to spell that!)for 'perceived' or 'understanding'. I think in America you might say 'cottoned on'? I would love to put a video of Paddy walking but two things hold me back..... 1. I have no idea how to do it, and 2. I think you need a video camera that is post 2001! We need to move with the times!

Jenna said...

You need a digital camera that does short videos. "cottoed on"Im not sure, but maybe caught on?Maybe figured out?

Lizzie said...

Caught on sounds good to me! I think my camera takes video I will check it out!!! Thanks Jenna