Friday 18 July 2008

On your bike!

I looked out of our kitchen window today, and there Paddy was riding her bike! I nearly fell over with surprise. She is out there now with her sisters having a great time, and it is so good to hear them laughing and having fun. I am so pleased that she is back riding again, as before the operation she was on her bike every day, I honestly thought it would be ages before she could do it again, leave kids to their own devices, they have no fear, and have no concept of things being too hard, they just give it a go. I am soooooooooo happy for Paddy.

This is Paddy doing her 'cute' face!


Niki said...

What did you expect? That leg is magic! Good for Paddy! Sorry you are having cold temps but we are enjoying the lovely warm weather here :)

Jenna said...

I have chills, what an amazing little girl you have!